10: Medical legal consulting

I’m pleased to introduce to you Dr. Armin Feldman. Dr. Feldman has been a full-time medical consultant to attorneys since 2006. He also works with physicians across the United States helping them supplement or provide a replacement for their income, providing pre-litigation pre-trial consulting services to the legal industry.


“Even though it’s not clinical work, you are still helping people by using your medical knowledge in a way that these people were previously not getting help for.”

Show Highlights:

  • Armin describes his scope of work as a medical legal consultant and how he became involved in this particular consulting niche.
  • Armin discusses his role in consulting with attorneys pre-trial and pre-litigation in personal injury or workmen’s compensation cases.
  • We discuss the need for the injured person to have an excellent medical and legal team when they are trying to receive financial payments from either insurance companies or employers.
  • Armin discusses his transition from a practicing psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, leading to his involvement in the treatment of brain injured patients.
  • This led to him opening a traumatic brain injury rehabilitation clinic in Denver, and eventually, to clinics around the country.
  • At the time he sold his business he realized that he was not ready for retirement and he discovered the potential of the unexplored niche in consulting, which proved successful and profitable.
  • His motivation to develop a training program for physicians of different clinical backgrounds to have their own successful business as a legal consultant.
  • We discuss the many benefits of this type of work for physicians, including working remotely, appropriate for physicians of any clinical background, and the ability to work full or part time.
  • Why any physician in any specialty can learn how to become a medical legal consultant.
  • How he runs a successful consulting business.
  • Why mentors and coaching programs were important in developing the business.
  • Stresses the importance of gathering information on running a small business and recommends some reading material for any physician that is interested in running a small business themselves. I have included the link to the book in the resources below.
  • The tangible results of doing work to help injured people and the gratification that comes from insuring that these persons receive appropriate care.
  • Armin describes his medical legal consulting coaching program for interested physicians.

About me:

I’m an experienced physician executive with over 30 years of clinical and administrative experience in various healthcare settings. I’m passionate about coaching and mentoring physicians interested in transitioning to full time or part time non-clinical roles either within the healthcare industry or external to healthcare. I have served as a COO for an emergency medicine management company, CMO for several hospitals, Vice-president of ambulatory quality for a large multispecialty medical group, Vice-president of system quality and safety for a multi-hospital system, along with numerous medical staff positions and other administrative roles. 

Connect with me:

Website: https://physiciansbeyondthebedside.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NormMD.BTB

Twitter: https://twitter.com/beyondbedside

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVkvrQa3LULExRtPNvkkuw

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nchapinmd/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ubeyondthebedside/

Additional Resources:

MD Biz Con

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber

The Workers’ Compensation Trial Lawyers Association

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