30: How to develop a growth mindset

In this episode, I discuss the origins of the mindset theory including the basic tenets and opposition to the theory. I share how you can develop a growth mindset whether you’re in a clinical role or as you transition into a non-clinical role.


“Our capabilities, passions, and innate intelligence have a huge impact on what we can achieve and how successful we can become. Mindset can be a very limiting issue for physicians and can be a significant reason why we do not achieve our potential.”

Show Highlights:

  • The definition of the mindset theory and the two types: fixed mindset and growth mindset.
  • How Carol Dweck’s research into growth mindset has changed education and how organizations hire potential job candidates.
  • Why impostor syndrome can make one doubt his/her skills, talents or accomplishments based on the fear of being exposed as a fraud.
  • The brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of experience (neuroplasticity).
  • Why there is opposition to the mindset theory (including statistical methods and evidence).
  • How limiting beliefs can restrict us from achieving our potential.
  • Anne-Laure Le Cunff’s strategies that you can use to develop a growth mindset.
  • Four weekly planning questions to ask yourself.

About me:

I’m an experienced physician executive with over 30 years of clinical and administrative experience in various healthcare settings. I’m passionate about coaching and mentoring physicians interested in transitioning to full time or part time non-clinical roles either within the healthcare industry or external to healthcare. I have served as a COO for an emergency medicine management company, CMO for several hospitals, Vice-president of ambulatory quality for a large multispecialty medical group, Vice-president of system quality and safety for a multi-hospital system, along with numerous medical staff positions and other administrative roles. 

Connect with me:

Website: https://physiciansbeyondthebedside.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NormMD.BTB

Twitter: https://twitter.com/beyondbedside

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVkvrQa3LULExRtPNvkkuw

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nchapinmd/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ubeyondthebedside/

Additional Resources:

7 Reasons Why Your Mindset Is Everything (2022 Update)

Anne-Laure Le Cunff – From fixed mindset to growth mindset: the complete guide

Anne-Laure Le Cunff – Metacognition: How to think about thinking

Carol Dweck – The power of believing that you can improve (TEDX)

Carol Dweck – The power of yet (TEDxNorrköping)

Debate arises over teaching growth mindsets to motivate students

Full Focus Planner

Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential by Carol S. Dweck

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

A Guide to Effective Decision Making

Free 30 Minute Coaching Introductory Session

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