31: Interim physician executive roles

My guest, Wael Khouli, MD, MBA, is the Interim Physician Executive for the Benefis Health System with the Greeley Company. Wael has provided physician leadership in many healthcare organizations and has a passion for underserved populations and population health.


“Set clear priorities, in healthcare there are opportunities everywhere. If we try to chase every opportunity to make improvement, we will make minimal improvement on all of them instead of a significant improvement on what is most important.”

Show Highlights:

  • Wael describes his current role as the Interim Physician Executive at The Greeley Company.
  • He shares his involvement in a variety of non-clinical healthcare administration roles including population health management.
  • He describes why he shifted from a full-time administrative role to a split clinical and non-clinical role.
  • Wael shares the advantages and disadvantages of interim leadership roles.
  • His interest in moving beyond clinical medicine and into hospital administration and population health management.
  • How pursuing the Master of Business Administration (MBA) impacted the trajectory of Wael’s career.
  • His desire to establish a different type of a care delivery model.

About me:

I’m an experienced physician executive with over 30 years of clinical and administrative experience in various healthcare settings. I’m passionate about coaching and mentoring physicians interested in transitioning to full time or part time non-clinical roles either within the healthcare industry or external to healthcare. I have served as a COO for an emergency medicine management company, CMO for several hospitals, Vice-president of ambulatory quality for a large multispecialty medical group, Vice-president of system quality and safety for a multi-hospital system, along with numerous medical staff positions and other administrative roles. 

Connect with me:

Website: https://physiciansbeyondthebedside.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NormMD.BTB

Twitter: https://twitter.com/beyondbedside

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVkvrQa3LULExRtPNvkkuw

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nchapinmd/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ubeyondthebedside/

Additional Resources:

Wael Khouli – LinkedIn

B.E. Smith

Benefis Health System

The Greeley Company

A Guide to Effective Decision Making

Free 30 Minute Coaching Introductory Session

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